' National Fine Art Award, 2073 ' Honour to Ishan Pariyar

                                                                            Photo Courtesy : Prithvi Shrestha

"National Fine Art Award" in Contemporary Painting category won by Ishan Pariyar 

20th April
6'th National Fine Art Exhibition has been inaugurated by  President Mrs. Bidhya Devi Bhandari on 20th April, 2016 at Nepal Art Council gallery organized by Nepal Academy of Fine Arts on the occasion, artist duo Hari Prasad Sharma and Norbu Lama were feted with the ' Lalitkala Pragya Samman' an honor by NAFA for their contribution in the fine arts. NAFA has also presented the 'National Fine Arts Honour' to the artist dedicated to fine arts . The recipient of this honors this year include Ishan Pariyar (Contemporary Painting), Karma Yonden Lama, Jeevan Maharjan, Ram Krishna Suwal Punam kumaei das, Ashis Josh. Like wise Fine Arts Special Honour recipient were Saurganga Darshandhari, Pradip Pal Saud, Bikku Kumar Thapa, Rabindra Shrestha, Rabindra Manandhar etc.


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"National Fine Art Award " winning painting
