Performance is art, but it is not painting or sculpture. It is inspired from theatre but it does not like the stage or narrative. It comes from dance , but does not like rhythm. It has a history in the history of art coming from 1930's when futurists and Dadaist believing that the body is the most democratic medium, which anyone can use. Indeed performance art was claimed to be radical and progressive , a kind of art which is bold and does not depend on any gallery or institution to find its audience. That's why in the 21st century performance art is maybe the only space for sponteneous artist protest or social engagenent . Apart from politics , performance art has been one of the very few remaining spaces for serious nonsense. It is believed that nonsense bypasses our senses and opens up windows outside our social conditioning.

( text extracted from )
Kolkata Internationl Performance Art Festival
23rd January 2014


Glimpse of KIPAF 2014          


Kana during her performance

 Kuldeep during a Performance

Sajan Mani, during performance


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